“As the holidays arrive in Gotham, Batman faces threats from two sources: a disfigured orphan who grew up and devised a plan to rise to power and squash those from whom he feels wronged, and a woman whose near-death experience leaves her wanting vengeance on the man who pushed her over the edge.”
Rating: 76.8/100
Rating Breakdown:
- Buttery – 27.3%
- Regular – 72.7%
(Intepretation: a lot of people love it, and the rest of the people think it’s average)
Ranked 10th from 1992
- Michael Keaton (Batman/Bruce Wayne)
- Danny DeVito (Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot)
- Michelle Pfeiffer (Catwoman/Selina Kyle)
- Christopher Walken (Max Shreck)
- Michael Gough (Alfred)
- Pat Hingle (Commissioner James Gordon)
Rob from GuysFilmQuest – (full review)
Check out the full page for BATMAN RETURNS here on Half Popped Reviews!
BATMAN RETURNS is part of the Winter Holiday Series!