
Sophie Jones

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Brief Synopsis: "16-year-old Sophie Jones is grap­pling with the recent death of her moth­er. Phys­i­cal inti­ma­cy with anoth­er per­son becomes the only way for Sophie to feel any­thing. She tries to keep her rela­tion­ships strict­ly for her own empow­er­ment and as a means of dis­trac­tion. Ulti­mate­ly Sophie learns that sex­u­al inti­ma­cy is a tem­po­rary salve, but love is last­ing med­i­cine."

Overall Ranking: - (Rank from 2020: # 0)

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People Involved

  • Jessica Barr (Sophie Jones)
  • Skyler Verity (Kevin)
  • Claire Manning (Claire)
  • Charlie Jackson (Lucy Jones)
  • Dave Roberts (Aaron Jones)
  • Tristan Decker (Riley)
  • Sam Kamerman (Kate)
  • Chase Offerle (Tony)
  • Elle Layne (Lily)
  • Jonah Kersey (Sam)
  • Katie Prentiss (Denise)
  • Sharae Foxie (Ms. Baum)
  • Hannah Sapitan (Amber)
  • Natalie Shershow (Quinn)