Illusionist, The (animated 2010)
Animated, Drama, Magic
Brief Synopsis: "The Illusionist is a 2010 British-French animated film directed by Sylvain Chomet. The film is based on an unproduced script that the French mime, director and actor Jacques Tati had written in 1956 as a personal letter to his estranged eldest daughter, Helga Marie-Jeanne Schiel. The plot revolves around a struggling illusionist who visits an isolated community and meets a young lady who is convinced that he is a real magician. The film is set in Scotland in the late 1950s."
Overall Ranking: 77
(Rank from 2010: # 2)
Rating: |
90.8 |
Adjusted* Rating: (lowest rating dropped) |
93.5 |
Ratings Breakdown (The Mixed Bag)
Buttery |
80% |
Regular |
20% |
Half-Popped |
0% |
Stale |
0% |
Burnt |
0% |
Streaming Options