
James Caviezel

Jim Caviezel

Ranked Movies

Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt
1Frequency 90%100%0%0%0%0%
2Thin Red Line, The 85.5%66.7%16.7%16.7%0%0%
3Count Of Monte Cristo (2002) 81%0%100%0%0%0%
4Deja Vu 79%50%25%25%0%0%
5Passion of the Christ, The 76.25%50%0%50%0%0%
6Escape Plan 61.5%0%50%37.5%12.5%0%
7When the Game Stands Tall 41.2%0%0%80%20%0%
Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt

Un-Ranked Movies

Movie Current Avg
Ride with the Devil 70%
Sweetwater 70%
Sound of Freedom 57%
G.I. Jane 0%
Paul, Apostle of Christ 0%
Movie Current Avg