Reviewer Profile

Bryan Lienesch Movie Reviewer Profile

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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Hurt Locker, The2008961 - What Platoon was to Vietnam, Hurt Locker is to Iraq. Beautifully done. Keeps you fully engrossed and never falls into the temptation of giving you a political perspective on the war.
Zero Dark Thirty2012952 - I'm not sure this story could be told better in 100 attempts. People will come and watch for its historical and personal importance, but they'll leave satisfied solely off of Kathryn Bigelow's vision.
Point Break1991713 - There are good parts and bad parts. The good parts show Bigelow's early potential as a film maker. The bad parts show it couldn't escape much of the cheesiness that plagued hit movies of the '80's.
Lost in Translation2003554 - You feel like the makings of a better movie are there -- somwhere -- but, as the title suggests, gets somehow lost in translation.
Strange Days1995465 - Bigelow's sci-fi thriller is little more than a bizarre, unnecessarily sexual romp of a nightmare.

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The Beguiled ~ [Rate It Now]
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