Reviewer Profile

Jay of Life Vs Film Movie Reviewer Profile

(View @LifeVsFilm Now)
Reviewer Score:


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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang20051001(full review)
L.A. Confidential19971001(full review)
Memento2000903(full review)
Seven1995903(full review)
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (American)2011805(full review)
Scream1996805(full review)
Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Swedish - Män som hatar kvinnor)2009707(full review)
Zodiac2007707(full review)

Unranked Movies from the List

Murder on the Orient Express ~ [Rate It Now]
Gone Girl ~ [Rate It Now]
Rear Window ~ [Rate It Now]
Knives Out ~ [Rate It Now]
Clue ~ [Rate It Now]
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? ~ [Rate It Now]
The Nice Guys ~ [Rate It Now]
Cube ~ [Rate It Now]
Gosford Park ~ [Rate It Now]
The Little Things ~ [Rate It Now]
Death on the Nile ~ [Rate It Now]
Murder on the Orient Express ~ [Rate It Now]
Murder Mystery ~ [Rate It Now]
And Then There Were None ~ [Rate It Now]
And Then There Were None ~ [Rate It Now]
Death on the Nile ~ [Rate It Now]
Identity ~ [Rate It Now]
The Last of Sheila ~ [Rate It Now]